Do not Reheat These 7 Foods or else your Family will be in DANGER! - N.D.T


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Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Do not Reheat These 7 Foods or else your Family will be in DANGER!

Reheating leftover food is what we usually do, but we should be very careful that not all food can be reheat, some food are poisonous and may led to death.

Avoid reheating the foods on this list in order to avoid potential health problems. 7 Foods that shouldn’t be warmed and eaten again.
1. Mushrooms

Reheated mushrooms present the highest health risk. They should be eaten immediately after being prepared, or eaten cold the following day. When you eat reheated mushrooms, you put yourself at risk of having digestive, and even heart, problems.
2. Eggs

Reheating fried and boiled eggs makes them lethal for your organism, so never do that.
3. Potato

Potatoes are very useful because they have many health benefits. However, those benefits and their dietary quality are lost if you don’t eat them the same day that you’ve cooked them. Eating them on another day and reheating them makes them dangerous for your body, instead of useful.

4. Chicken

Chicken is exceptionally dangerous when eaten a day after being prepared. It can cause some digestive problems, because the structure of proteins changes the following day. Chicken meat should be eaten cold. If you absolutely need to reheat the chicken, be sure to do it on a low temperature for a long period.
5. Spinach

Reheating spinach never be done. It should only be eaten immediately after being cooked. The reason for this are the nitrates that are found in the spinach. When we warm it up, the nitrates transform into nitrites, which makes spinach carcinogenic for our bodies.
6. Celery

People usually use celery to prepare soups. Celery also contains nitrates that transform into nitrites after being reheated. If you’ve made a soup with celery in it, you should either eat the whole soup immediately, or remove the celery before you warm the soup.
7. Beets

Beets are another food that contains nitrates, and are very harmful and destructive for the body if reheated.

via nationpress

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